Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fare well to Jacob!

We went to hear Jacob talk Sunday. He did a great job. He will make a great missionary. He leaves Wednesday to serve the Lord on his mission in Everrett, Washington. Before he spoke, all the family that could, came to Lana and Mike's house for what she said would be a "light" lunch. It was nothing of the sort! We had a salad bar and potatoe bar to choose from! It was very good and very filling. After church friends, and more friends, until the chapel was emptied (along with family) came to visit him. A few of us teased that they all came for the free punch and cookies and then left. But, really, Jacob had a good group to support him. I was able to get a few pictures of the gathering afterwards.
This is Brenda (my sister) being her mischeivious self, mixing up peoples shoes.
These are some of the lucky ones that were able to find there shoes. The guys had the hardest time, because most of them wore the black, dress shoe!
Jacob is there in the middle saying good-bye to some of his friends.
Jacob saying good-bye to his girlfriend Holly.
Lana (holding the camera, Jacob's Mom, Sandra's sister) Christina in pink, Kent (Jacob's brother) standing behind his wife Lieren, Clark (with hat, counsin in-law one of Brenda's son-in-laws)

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